my favorite booth at the mall

Ray made a friend during our walk

we crossed this bridge on Saturdays ride!

one of the stops along highway 411
Those of you who follow my daughters blog, Consider The Coffee, know that she, her husband, their sweet son, my youngest daughter and her close friend who is like a third daughter to us, all went on a cruise to Mexico this weekend. So...our closest family that is nearest and dearest to us are all away without my husband and I, having fun without us! Truth be told, they wanted us to come too, but we weren't able to go because of my husbands work and I get motion sick, and even though I love to eat I didn't know if 24 hour availability of food was a good thing for me at this point! The hardest part for us is the fact that once they left the dock, we couldn't just call them up and say hi, or hear their funny stories for almost four days! I am sure they are having a blast and we are so glad that they were able to go together!
This house is way too big for just me and Ray. It seems much too quiet around here. I am use to talking to Christina and Kavi almost everyday on the phone and I miss that. Jenny and Rachel usually entertain us every evening with interesting client stories. (they both work at a hair salon in town)
So...I had to try and keep busy to make the time pass more quickly, so I crocheted a lot (the weather cooling helped with the inspiration too). And yesterday and today we took little day trips which was fun. We have always liked exploring and going to places we have never been before.
Saturday we went along highway 411 north of here, where there was actually a 400 mile yard sale going on. Yes, I know, another one! The weather was cool and breezy and the drive was beautiful. The yard sale was mostly junky stuff set up in peoples yards, but the lakes and mountains made it well worth it. We followed 411 up to Rome, Georgia which was a cute little town that had a Starbucks, so you know I was happy!
Today, Ray joined me on a walk through Noccalula Falls Park, followed by a drive to Trussville to find something to eat. We ended up at Trussville Antique Mall Cafe which had a buffet which included turkey, dressing and vegetables which we were both craving. The food was very good tasting like home made and the funniest thing is that this mall and cafe are set up in a former nursing home. All the booths were the old patient rooms and the cafe was in the old dining room. You paid for any purchases at the nurse's station! What a hoot, but a good idea, don't you think?