I knew when I woke up this morning that it was going to be a lovely day! First, it is less than a week before visiting Florida, which means seeing my daughter Christina (considerthecoffee.blogspot.com)her hubby Suj, and grandson Kavi!!!
Second, we experienced a cold front today which meant that the high would only be 81 degrees! In July! In the south! Oh, Florida weather, I don't miss YOU at all!
Me and my husband Ray went to a few antique stores in Alexandria today, where I found just a couple of fun things. I love anything bird related, so I was happy to come across this vintage vase, and I also love vintage tins for the kitchen, and was glad to buy this cute one! It is adorned with sweet tulip bouquets my exact color scheme of red and turquoise.
Third, we had a nice dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant with our neighbors and their family visiting from Florida and New York! On the drive home, we had the windows OPEN and almost thought we could smell someone's fireplace!
I through in a picture of a vase of lilies that my daughter picked in our backyard! Consider the lillies...