Life has changed for the better for me as you can imagine! I have seen Christina and Kavi almost every single day since they moved here.Fun, fun, fun, let me tell you! Kavi is very happy to be living so close to us too, you can tell. He loves seeing us all the time and he has two good little kid friends that live across the street and around the corner that he loves to see and play with. Every so often I say to him in an excited voice, "Kavi, guess what??" "You live in Alabama!" to which he adds, "FOREVER!!" and gives me a really big hug!!
My crafting has been on the back burner for the past month with excitement directed towards the family and also having a sinus infection that knocked me for a loop. Actually, it was the antibiotic that made me feel worse than just the sinus problem. Way to many trips to the little girls room and exhausting dizziness. Not cool. I am all better now, though and raring to go with Thanksgiving and getting some hats and scarves listed in my etsy shop and mailing some to an awesome blog friend (who I met in real life and LOVE her) Angela, in Mississippi, who has a booth in an antique mall.
Hope you have a wonderful time this Thanksgiving! I am thankful for all your encouraging posts and comments through the year which has been such a blessing to me! Hugs to you all!