Thursday, October 7, 2010

baby steps...a formidable foe

the stairs of doom...

ahhh, back at peaceful Noccallula

I love these kind of views...the tracks that seem to disappear in the woods...

When I went to see the Ballet at our local community college a few weeks back, I noticed a long set of stairs going up a hill on the side of the auditorium. I thought, "hmm, I bet that is a good place for a morning workout. I shall have to try it one day..."
Well, today was the day I tried it and oh boy, it was sooo hard. "The first few flights, not too bad...oh it is getting harder...ummm, my leg muscles feel like jello....whoa, I am really out of breath!"
At the top of the steps, I was breathing really hard and was having a hard time blending in with the young, skinny college students who sprightly ran up the steps cradling their heavy text books!
I originally thought of going up and down twice but decided that I didn't want to hold up traffic for kids rushing to their next class, so... up and down only one time.
Man! My leg muscles really felt that meager stair attempt as I finished my morning walk back at Noccallula Park, only doing one round instead of two.
One day, I will go up those steps with more ease and strength. It just might take a while!


  1. I am so proud of you! You are really doing great with your walking! Me, I'm just sittin here :(

  2. i can't even imagine trying to go up and down those steps quickly! looks like quite the challenge!!!!

  3. At least you made it up and down the steps. I probably would have given up at the halfway point (or maybe even before). I really need to start walking too and it is finally getting a little cooler here in the mornings. Exercise just isn't my thing....

  4. I'm proud of you. Keep up the good work!

  5. good for you!! i remember doing stair workouts in hs track...grueling stuff but so good for getting your heart rate up and burning calories.

  6. You are my hero. I would look at them and go get a milkshake.

  7. Nice job ... Both finding a challenge and actually doing it! Looking forward to reading soon that you met your goal of two rounds of this monster! Lol
