Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 5 with Leslie Sansone, I thought it was too hot and muggy even in the early morning, to go for "my out in the real world" walk, or maybe I was psyched out by the forecast of 94 degrees today! Either way, I chose to do the Leslie Sansone Walk at Home 4 Fast Miles dvd. And let me tell ya, it was hard! I figured I would just keep moving for the entire 50 minutes, walking in place, doing kicks and knee lifts and just kept walking during the jogging parts. It obviously uses different muscles than outside walking, so I immediately felt the burn!
I did this workout,before showering, in the living room, trying to be quiet with the sound way down low so as not to wake anyone up!
Don't worry, I won't keep annoying you with my exercise updates! I am just trying to establish new patterns in my life and this helps me. I have to make hay while the sun still shines!
( or my best workouts before Mother Nature brings me my monthly gift, which causes all activity to come to a screeching halt)


  1. Hey Hon enjoyed your blog...but showering in the living room? how did you do that? LOL

  2. Don't stop updating! It's great and keep it up, wooo hooo!
